What is Information Technology/ Information Communications Technology?
"Information and communications technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software,satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning". REFERENCE: http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/definition/ICT
My definition of Information Technology/ Information Communication.
To me, information communication is extremely broad and covers all technological equipment which enables people to communicate efficiently within the technology spectrum. For example, online shopping, cellphones, computer games etc.
How is this form of technology prevalent in our society? How common place has it become?
When I hear of the word technology I instantly think about computers, computers, cameras, mobile phones, i-pods and the list continues. I can't think back to when these technological devices weren't around, definitely not in my life time though. I remember receiving my first mobile phone at the age of thirteen, having just finished primary school and now entering high school. I adored this "hand me down brick" of a mobile phone my father gave me. That phone has become extinct in this day and age and is replaced by models that slide, flip and even talk. Technology is all around us. All we have to do is walk from our house to the shops and we see it. Listening to your favourite playlist on your i-pod, receiving a text from your mate, taking a photo of the sun setting before you have had a chance to enter the shop. People are able to communicate in different areas of the world, videos are uploaded in seconds and enjoyed by someone on the other side of the world. In other words, Technology has become extremely common.
What IT devices or system do I feel comfortable and competent using?
Lets just say that IT and I have never really been close friends. How I wish we could embrace like long lost brothers yet alas that has not been the case... yet. I have improved drastically over the years. I have had to improve if I want to make it in this world. We are in the era of technology and fighting it will only leave you bloodied and bruised, but leave technology untouched. From primary through high school I attended computer classes, mainly to play computer games, but I still attended classes. Having travelled quite extensively, I have had to embrace technology as it was the only means of contacting family and friends and ensuring they new what a fabulous time I was having. I use technology everyday. From checking my e-mails and speaking to people on skype, my computer has sadly become my new best friend. My mobile phone allows me to converse with others and acts as my time keeper as I do not posses a watch. I have become quite the photographer using my Cannon camera (atleast I think so). Watching dvds on a dvd machine is an occupation I engage in, listening to music on my i-pod and online shopping has allowed me to not even get off my seat to purchase something. However, I do rely heavily on the internet and without it I am extremely limited to what I can do on my computer. If there is a lack of signal connection for my mobile all I am able to use it for is a watch and playing backgammon. If I was to attend a course of how to effectively use certain programs on my computer I might feel more "at home" whilst using it.
How have I seen IT being used in Occupational Therapy practice?
Whilst on placement I saw how vital technology was with regards to researching a diagnosis that the clinician was unfamiliar with or even to elaborate more on the matter. Clients used various means of technology during their interventions in order to hopefully achieve their respective goals. This included using a Wii machine, a computer, a camera and a mobile phone. All of these technological sound instruments were beneficial in allowing these individuals to participate in occupations meaningful to them.
What issues exist around OTs adoption of IT systems and tools?
OTs have Occupational Therapy and not Information Technology and this leaves OTs in a situation where they might know exactly how an IT system or tool may work. This introduces issues such as if the OT actually knows how to work a certain piece of technology that he/ she is introducing to the client meaning the client is now confused or using it incorrectly. The OT has got ask themself how safe is this piece of technology for the client and does the client actually want to be introduced or use this particular piece of technology.
What are some of the ways I can envisage IT use becoming a potential tool of practice?
Technology is all around us and we should use it to our advantage when working with clients as it is also around them. Gone are the days when Occupational Therapists used weaving as a means of interventions... hello technology. E-mails, facebook, skype etc. is the easiest and most cost effective way of staying in contact and socialising with friends, family and even strangers. Ensuring their is a computer based at what ever location you are working with clients is vital ie. hospital, clinic, house. Using a computer involves many aspects of mobility, cognitive ability and functioning that can implemented in achieving SMART goals. Speaking to other clinicians half way around the world and being involved in a meeting whilst in another country allows clinicians more time to spend with clients and less time travelling. Researching journal articles, new theories, diagnosis definitions are all ways I envisage IT becoming a potential tool practice.
Why will a great deal of understanding and use of IT help us in our practice and daily lives if our goal is to enable occupation?
The occupations our future clients engage will be around technology, thus it is essential that we as future Occupational Therapists have a great deal of understanding and use of IT if we are to ensure success with the clients. The age of when you receive your first mobile phone decreases by the year. These mobile phones are becoming so advanced that they now have a camera, internet, i-pod and phone in one contraption. If a nine year old child needs to relearn how to use their phone, how can we teach them if we do not even know what it is?
What ethical implications arise from capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices or systems?
There are ethical implications we need to consider when capturing clients on IT devices. Confidentiality has to be insured at all times. Permission to use the information given from the client has to be granted by them and ensuring that you have informed the client that they are being recorded is a must.
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